Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hay Lluvia!

So we're on maybe our 4th day of rain here. I think there have been something like 2 hurricanes over the weekend/beginning of this week. It just hasn't let up in so many days. I asked Rosario yesterday what the drainage system here was like, and of course she's completely useless for a useful answer. She said: "Siii! I hope so! I hope there's a good drainage system here!" and then "do you think there's a possibility that it will flood?" and she said "Noooooo! I hope not! I hope it won't flood, nooo!" and then "really, though... really rosario... honestly.. what's the drainage situation here like." and she finally said "well, in Zona 2 the pipes are very old and very small, and after about 3 or 4 days of really hard rain, it's possible they'll start backing up. Your house is very close to Zona 2. How much height is there between the drain in the patio and your room?"

Yikes. That was what I was looking for at least.

Claudia just told us they're not having school today. I guess I won't be going to Cantel. I can't imagine Hilda in her little hobbit sandals and nice cortes hiking through 3 inches of mud. I guess I'll keep putting together yarn for the weaving projects, playing with the other material, and having fun with some new jade pieces we just got in.

Too bad there aren't any warm fireplaces to sit beside!

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